Editorial Team
Senior Lecturer / HOD, Department of Plant and Agriculture Biology, University of Ghana, Ghana
Gerardo Cazzato
University of Bari
Faculty: Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology
Clinical medicine, public health and oncology, Bari, Italy
Kurbonov Abrorjon Yorkinovich
DSc, Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Agro Technologies Research Institute, Uzbekistan
Azizov Baxram Muzaparovich
Doctor of science, Agriculture, Professor of the Department of Crop Production, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Department of Plant Growing, Uzbekistan
Sanaev Sobir Toyirovich
Head of the Department of Plant and Fruit and Vegetable Growing, Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University
Specialty: agronomy, economics, vegetable growing
Academic Degree: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Ismoilov Alisher
Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbeksitan
Academic degree: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Rizaev Shukhrat Khudoiberdievich
Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University
specialty: Fruit and vegetable agronomist
Academic degree: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Academic title: Associate Professor
Azimova Muhayyo Egamberdievna
Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences (PhD) of the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, Associate Professor of the Department "Technology of storage and Primary Processing of Agricultural Products", Uzbekistan
Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Associate Professor, Department of Forestry and Medicinal Plants, Uzbekistan
Avtonomov Viktor Aleksandrovich
Doctor of Science (DSc) in Agriculture, Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Agro Technologies Research Institute, Uzbekistan
Mirsharipova Guljaxon Kamalovna
Docent of Plant-Growing, Council of the Gulistan State University of Uzbekistan
Rakhmankulov Murod
Senior Scientific Researcher, Selection and Seed Growing, Tashkent city. Uzbekistan
Mirzayeva Mutabar Azamovna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Department of Storage and Primary Technology of Agricultural Products, Uzbekistan
Babadjanova Sayyora Khushnutovna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Urgench State University, Uzbekistan
Babajanova Sanabar Yuldashbayevna,
PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Urgench State University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Head of the Department of "Ecology and Life Safety", Uzbekistan
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers ”- National Research University. Associate Professor of Soil Science and Botany, Uzbekistan
Zakirova Salomat
National University of Uzbekistan. Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences (PhD)
Boltayev Saydulla Mahsudovich
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor. Termez Institute of Agrotechnology and Innovative Development. Uzbekistan
Gaga Buishvili
Associate Professor of Agricultural Sciences Faculty, Georgia
Docent, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Soil science National University of Uzbekistan named M.Ulugbekh
Shapulatova Zumrat Jakhongirovna
Docent, Department of Epizootology, Microbiology and Virology, Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine University of Animal Husbandry and Biotechnologies
Karshiev Shaymardan Elamanovich
Tashkent State Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrologistics and Business, Associate Professor of the Department of Agro-Economy and Tourism, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Parpieva Mashkhura Javdatovna
Andijan State University. Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences. Senior Teacher.
Duschanova Gulzhan Madrimbayevna
Professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi, Department of Botany and Ecology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Aripova Shakhnoza Rakhmanovna
Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Agricultural Sciences, Uzbekistan
Akhmedova Dilfuza Makhammadovna
Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Department of Ecology, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
Khatamov Asror Khudoyberdievich
Senior Researcher, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences PhD., Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Research Institute of Karakul and Desert Ecology
Mirsharipova Guljaxon Kamalovna
Docent of Plant-Groving Council of the Gulistan State University of Uzbekistan
Matyakubova Yulduzxan
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences of the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Urgench State University, Associate Professor.
Alloberganova Zebo Bekmamatovna
Candidate of Biological Sciences of the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Urgench State University, Associate Professor.
Matsaidova Sayyora Xudayberganovna
Urgench State University Faculty of Natural Sciences Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Geodesy, Cartography, Geography, Associate Professor.
Annamuratova Dilorom Romanovna
Urgench State University Natural Sciences Faculty Biology Department candidate of Biological Science, Associate Professor.
Ataqulova Manzura Nematovna
Department of Biology of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)
Shamsidinova Gulchikhra Dustmurodovna
Head of the Department of Biology of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Malikova Ayzada Rakhmatovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of General Biology, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute. Associate Professor.
Azimova Bahtigul Jovli Qizi,
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, Department of Inorganic, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Sharipova Vasila Koysinovna
Senior Researcher of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences).
Mullabayev Nodirbek Ravshanbekovich
Candidate of Biology Sciences (PhD). Docent of Department of General Animal Science and Veterinary, Tashkent State Agrarian University. Uzbekistan.
Yuldashev Mansur Arzikulovich
Doctor of Sciences in Biology. Professor, Professor of Department of General Animal Science and Veterinary, Tashkent State Agrarian University. Uzbekistan.
Kadirov Shavkat Yuldashevich
Urgench State University, Associate Professor of the "Department of Soil Science and Agronomy", Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Uzbekistan.
Rakhimova Nodira Kamiljonovna
Senior Researcher of the Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan, PhD.
Bekmurodov Abdujabbor Sattorovich
Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Termez State University
Ruzimurodov Ixtiyor Nishonovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Karshi Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Al-Kwarizmi, Uzbekistan
Tadjiev Karim Mardanakulovich
Senior Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of Fine Fiber Cotton, PhD in Agricultural Sciences
Kuldasheva Farida Xoljigitovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Department of "Ecology and Nature Management", Astrakhan State Technical University Tashkent Region Branch, Uzbekistan.
Dadaev Saydulla
Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Professor of the "Zoology and Anatomy" Department, Doctor of Sciences in Biology
Kholboev Bahrom Ernazarovich
"Soil Science" Department of Gulistan State University, Senior Teacher of the Department
Tokhirov Bakhtiyor Bakhshilloevich
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Bukhara State University
Hakimova Nodira Xayrilloyevna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Biology and Agriculture, Bukhara State University Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences
Rakhimova Tashkhanim
Leading Researcher of the Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Matjanova Kholida Kazakbaevna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory "Ecology of the Plant World", Karakalpak Research Institute Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Apakhujaeva Tursunoy Ubaydullayevna,
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences, (PhD) “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University, “Hydraulics and Hydro-informatics” Department, Associate Professor
Xalmuminova Gulchehra Kulmuminovna
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Agricultural Science, Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development
Ravshanov Suvanqul Saparovich
Food Technology Department, Associate Professor, DSс, Shahrisabz Branch of Tashkent Chemical-Engineering Institute, Uzbekistan
Nafetdinov Shavkatullo Shukurovich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Bukhara State University of the Republic Uzbekistan
Kuchkarov Astanakul Musurmankulovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biology Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development
Akbutayev Azim Nuriddinovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Science, Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development
Jurayev Erkin Baxtiyorovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Science, Termiz institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs.
Asrarov Muzaffar Islamovich
Doctor of Science in Biological Sciences, Professor Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan
Bababekov Kalandar
Head of the Laboratory of the Research Institute of Plant Quarantine and Protection, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Shukur Xurramovich Xurramov
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Zoology, Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Kurbonov Akhmad Alavkhonovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Tashkent State Agrarian University (TSAU), Uzbekistan
Kodirova Dilrabo Abdukarimovna
Head of the Department Agrochemistry and Soil Science Tashkent State Agrarian University, Doctor of Sciences Biology, Docent
Abdullayeva Gulbahor Tolibjonovna
Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Professor, Doctor of Sciences Biology, Senior Scientific Researcher
Bakhromov Inomjon Zakirovich
A Doctor of Philosophy, Teacher of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
Suleymanov Shahab Hodievich,
Deputy Dean for Work with Youth of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences (PhD).
Nig'matullayev Baxtiyor Alimovich
Associate Professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences
Pardayev Roziboy
Head of the Department of Technology of Production, Storage and Processing of Livestock Products of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnology, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences (PhD)
Abdullaev Ulmasbek Rovshanbekovich
Urgench State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences.
Dumaeva Zukhrahon Nasirdinovna,
Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences (PhD) Department of Human Physiology and Life Safety Senior Lecturer, Andijan State University in Uzbekistan
Ergasheva Farogat Sheraliyevna
Guliston State University, Doctor of Philosophy on Biological Sciences (PhD)
Samarkhodjaeva Nigora Ramzitdinovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biology, Senior Scientific Researcher, Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Toshpo‘latov Bohodir Jo‘raniyozovich
Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Science
Karimov Sherali Allaberdiyevich
Termiz Institute of Agro-technologies and Innovative Development, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Science
Movlyan Zaynutdinovich Maksudov
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry under Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan.
Menglliyev Ali Saykonovich
Doctor of Philosophy of Veterinary Sciences, Termez Institute of Agro Technologies and Innovative Development
Utkir Shodiyevich Saydaliyev
Senior Teacher of the Zooengineering, Veterinary and Sericulture Department Q.x.f.n
Kimsanbaeva Shakhnoza Bakridinovna
Docent of the Tashkent State Agrarian University, PhD of Philosophical Sciences, Uzbekistan
Abduraimova Mukaddas Ergashovna
Docent of the Tashkent State Agrarian University, PhD of Political Sciences, Uzbekistan
Aytbayev Mansurbek Yusupovich
Docent of the Tashkent State Agrarian University, PhD of Social Philosophy, Uzbekistan
Nurbaev Bakhtiyor Shirinovich
Associate professor of the Department "Physiology and Pathology" of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Candidate of Biological Sciences.
Askarov Kamoliddin
Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Fergana State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences
Sidikov Sabir Mamasalievich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Siddikov Ilkhomjon Nasritdinovich
Tashkent State Agrarian University Samarkand Branch, Senior Lecturer, Candidate Veterinary Sciences.
Lapasov Sayfiddin Sanakulovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences, Scientific-Research Institute of Vegetables Crops, Melons and Potatoes, Republic of Uzbekistan
Eshmuratova Sulukhan Tulegenovna
Associate Professor of the Department "Zooinjenery and Veterinary Medicine" of the Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies of Karakalpakstan
Davronov Kakhramonjon Anvarjonovich
PhD in Agriculture, Docent, Department of Agricultural Product Storage and Preprocessing Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Kurbaniyazova Bakhitgul Zhumabaevna
Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor.
Nurimbetov Baxtiyar Chimbergenovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemistry, Docent, Dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, Karakalpak State University, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.
Mamatkul Juraev
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Agricultural Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher, Head of Department of Bread Wheat Genetics, Breeding and Seed Productions, Scientific Research Institute of Rainfed Agriculture, Uzbekistan
Usmankhodjayev Talat Saidovich
Uzbek State University Physical Education and Sport, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Akramov Umidilla Ikramdjanovich
Associate Professor of the Department of Fruit, Vegetable and Viticulture, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Republic of Uzbekistan.
Ruzmetov Rasul Sobirovich,
Khorezm Mamun Academy, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher
Khasanov Shukhrat Shavkatovich
Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan, Senior Scientific Researcher
Esanbaev Shamsi
The Candidate of Biological Sciences,Teacher of Department of Plant Quarantine and Protection, Tashkent State Agrarian University
Buriev Salimjan Samedjanovich
Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, Research Institute of Environment and Nature Conservation Technologies,Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Duschanova Guljan Madrimbayevna
Doctor of Sciences (DSc), Acting Professor Department of Botany and Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizamiy
Alimova Rano Abasovna
PhD (Biology), Assistant Professor of Department of Ecology and Botany, Faculty of Fruit, Vegetable Growing and Viticulture of Tashkent State Agrarian University.
Allayarov Abdurakhman Nazaralievich
The Head of " Biotechnology Laboratory" in the Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Wine making after Academician M. Mirzaev, PhD of Agriculture Science, Docent
Kholikov Bakhtiyor Abdugopporovich
Agricultural and Reclamation Machines, Mechanization of Agriculture and Reclamation Works, Ph.D. Scientific-Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization
Mamajanov Mukhtorjon Murodullaevich
NamSU, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, PhD.
Rano Muminova Dalabaevna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Docent, Tashkent State Agrarian University
Khujaev Otabek
A Candidate of the Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, a Head of the Forest Protection Laboratory of the Research Institute of Forestry
Matrasulov Gayrat Jamaladdinovich
Karakalpak State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences
Kayumova Yorkinoy Kabilovna
Ferghana State University Department of Zoology and General Biology, Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer
Jakhangir Nakhalbaev Tursunbayevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Agricultural Sciences, Chief of Laboratory of Plant breeding and seed production of Legume crops, Scientific Research Institute of Rainfed Agriculture, Uzbekistan.
Khamdamova Elnura Iskandarovna
Tashkent State University of Economics, Samarkand Branch, Associate Professor, Department of Natural, Social Sciences and Physical Culture
Khalmuratov Polat
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Karakalpak State University
Toshbekov Uktam
Gulistan State University, Department of Agricultural Soil Science and Land Reclamation, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Docent
Khakimov Mukimjon Usmonovich
PhD in Agriculture, Docent, Department of Food Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Ergasheva Xilolaxon Erkinjonovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences (PhD), Dotsent of Namangan State University.
Turayeva Zuxra Rajaboevna
Namangan State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology
Salomov Shavkat Turabovich
Doctor of Science (DSc) of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of Soil Science and Agriculture Department of Tashkent Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineering Institute, National Research University, Tashkent City.
Haqberdiev Obid Eshniyozovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Biology Sciences, Head of Soil Science and Agriculture Department of Tashkent Irrigation and Agriculture Mechanization Engineering Institute, National Research University, Tashkent City of Uzbekistan.
Baxodir Amanovich Raxmatullayev
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Zoology, Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Karim Eshnazarov
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Xasan Toshtemirovich Tangirov
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Shoira Karimovna Abdulazizova
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Rzaev Raxat Muratbaevich
Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnologies Head of the Department of Animal Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry of Nukus University, Phd
Yusupov Risnazar Orazbaevich
Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Dean of the Faculty of Technology of Storage and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables and Agricultural Products., (PhD), Uzbekistan
Zaripov Abdisalim Abdikarimovich
Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Cell Biophysics, Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences.
Shokirov Alisher Juraboyevich
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor, Scientific-Research Institute of Vegetables Crops, Melons and Potatoes, Republic of Uzbekistan
Shamuratova Nagima Genjemuratovna
Head of the Department of Agrochemistry, Plant Protection and Quarantine, Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Doctor of Sciences in Agriculture, Uzbekistan
Utepbergenov Bazarbai Kengesbaevich
Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Associate Professor of the Department “Mechanization of Agriculture”, Uzbekistan
Erejepova Gulbakhar Tajetovna
Head of the “Horticulture” Department of Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Doctor of Philosophy of Agriculture Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan
Durshimbetov Ispandiyar Kerimbergenovich
Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, “Plant Protection and Quarantine” Department, Doctor of Philosophy of Agriculture Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan
Yeshchanova Sayyora Shukurilla kizi
Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Department of “Silk”, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Uzbekistan
Tajetdinov Nauruzbay Daribaevich
Agriculture and Agrotechnologies of Karakalpakstan Institute “Preservation of Agricultural Products and Processing Technology” Department, Assistant, Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences, PhD
Kholliev Askar Ergashovich
Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Professor, Department of Biology, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Norboeva Umida Toshtemirovna
Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Professor, Department of Ecology and Geography, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Abdrimova Gulbakhor Erimatovna
Head of the “Silk” Department of Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan
Kamilov Baxtiyar Ganiyevich
Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Professor of Department of General Animal Science and Veterinary, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan.
Sultanov Jetkerbay Davletbayevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Science, Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Department of Agricultural Products Storage, Cultivation and Processing Technology of Medicinal Plants, Uzbekistan
Xoliqnazarov Begali
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Docent, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Termiz State Pedagogical Institute, Termiz, Uzbekistan
Kuziev Jakhongir Madaminovich
Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Head of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Khalmatova Shakhstakhan Madaminovna
Associate Professor, Fergana State University, Department of Ecology, Doctor of Philosophy, Uzbekistan.
Utambetov Duysenbay Usnatdinovich
Director of the Association of Scientific Production of Grain and Rice, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences
Sadikov Esbosyn Polatovich
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Deputy Director of the Scientific and Innovation Association of Grain and Rice Production.
Toremuratov Mukhammediyar Shadimuratovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies Department of Fisheries, Uzbekistan
Bazarbaeva Dina Irkinovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Senior lecturer of Nukus branch of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology, Uzbekistan
Saparniyazov Inomjon Artikbaevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department “Zoology, Human Morphophysiology and its Teaching Methodology” of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Tileumuratova Biybinaz Azatovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences (PhD), Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Toreniyazova Venera Smagulovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Department of Animal Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, Nukus Branch, Samarkand Veterinary Medicine University of Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology, Uzbekistan
Baltaniyazov Jaksibay Sarsenbaevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Nukus branch, assistant of the Department of “Plant Science and Forestation”, Uzbekistan
Mullabaev Bakhrom Atanazarovich
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture, Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Senior Lecturer of the “Plant Protection and Quarantine” Department, Uzbekistan
Khamidullaev Jangabergen Ubbiniyazovich
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agricultural Sciences, Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Agrochemistry, Plant Protection and Quarantine”, Uzbekistan
Allamuratov Bauaddin
Professor of the Department of Zoology, Human Morphophysiology and Methods of Teaching, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Allamuratova Gauhar Bauatdinovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biology, Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology, Human Morphophysiology and Methods of Teaching, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Taumuratova Gozzal Naurizbaevna
Docent of Ecology, Associate Professor of the Department of Botany, Ecology and Methods of Teaching, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Saparbaev Djumabay
Docent of Zoology, Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology, Human Morphophysiology and Methods of Teaching, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Dauletmuratov Mukhamedali Mirzamuratovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agriculture Sciences, Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Uzbekistan
Abdullayeva Maksudakhan Tolanovna,
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, Fergana State University, Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan
Karshiboev Khasan Xolbazarovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Agricultural Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher, Head of Department of Durum Wheat Genetics, Breeding and Seed Productions, Scientific Research Institute of Rainfed Agriculture, Uzbekistan
Chorshanbiyev Farkhod Makhmatmurodovich
Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry and Landscape Design of Tashkent State Agrarian University
Raximov Jura Suyunovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture Sciences (PhD), Faculty "Mechanization of Livestock and Agriculture” Associate Professor of the Department of General Technical Sciences
Bekbergenova Zakhira Omirbekovna
Doctor of philosophy ( PhD) biology. Docent. Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnology
Mo‘minov Abduvali Akbaraliyevich
Head of Laboratory of Soybean and Oilseed Selection, Seeding and Cultivation of Agrotechnics of the Grain and Legume Research Institute. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Almamatov Bahromjon O’ktamovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology, Gulistan State University
Urinova Xulkar Shokirovna,
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Djamalov Zohid Zafarovich
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Food Technology, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Nabikhujaeva Nargiza Toshpulatovna
PhD in Technical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Agriculture and Food Processing, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Qurbonova Oftoboyim Husniddinovna
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of “Agricultural Engineering and Technology” of the Karshi Engineering Economics Institute
Oybek Khabibullayevich Yunusov,
Head of the Department of "Natural Sciences" of Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute b.f.f.d. (PhD), Associate Professor.
Ismailova Nozima Anvar kizi
Gulistan State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences
Yodgorov Normumin Gulomovich
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of "Agrotechnologies" of the Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies of the National Research University "TIQXMMI"
Siddiqov Ravshanbek Inomjonovich
Director of the Grain and leguminous research institute. Doctor of agricultural sciences, professor.
Raximov Tojidin Abdunumanovich
Scientific Secretary of the Grain and leguminous research institute. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Kublanov Jalgasbay Jumabaevich
Senior Researcher at the Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute of Natural Sciences of the Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Doctor of Philosophy Biological Sciences (PhD)
Turdikulov Toyir,
Gulistan State University, Department of Biology, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor.
Kuliev Tojidin Khamdamovich,
Gulistan State University, Department of Biology, Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Axmedov Muxamad Ismatovich
Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences (PhD) , Associate Professor , Director of the Bukhara Scientific Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Grains and Legumes, Uzbekistan
Sharipov Odiljon Bafoyevich
Bukhara State University, Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Associate Professor of the Department" Soil Science", Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan
Chorshanbiev Nurali Esanpulotovich
Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy Biological Science (PhD), Docent
Yusupov Nasrullo Habibullaevich
Head of the Laboratory "Genetics, Breeding and Breeding of Cereal Crops" of the Research Institute of Cereals and Legumes, Ph.D.
Ubaydullaev Sarvarbek Sheralievich
PhD in Agricultural Sciences-Research Institute of Vegetables, Legumes and Potatoes Andijan Scientific Experimental Station Head “of the Laboratory of Selection and Seed Production of Vegetables, Potatoes and Potato Crops”
Abdullaev Ismoiljon Ibrakhimjonovich
Head of the Laboratory of “Agrochemistry and Soil Science” of the Research Institute of Grain and Legume Crops, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor.
Nadjimov Talantbek Eshmurot o’gly
Researcher of the Laboratory “Genetics, Selection and Seed Production of Cereal Crops” of the Research Institute of Grain and Legume Crops, Doctor of Sciences, Ph.D.
Abdurakhmanov Sadiqjon Obidovich
Research Institute of Cereals and Leguminous Crops, Advisor to the Director of Science and Scientific Activities, PhD, Professor.
Khoshimov Ibrohim Nabievich
Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs and Innovations, Research Institute of Grain and Legume Crops, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Adashev Ilhomjon Kobulovich
Research Institute of Grain and Legume Crops, Head of the Laboratory "Protection of Plants from Weeds, Diseases and Insects", Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Researcher.
Mamatxanov Azizxon Axramxonovich
Research Institute of Grain and Legume Crops, Head of the Laboratory "Protection of Plants from Weeds, Diseases and Insects", Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Researcher.
Avezimbetov Shavkat Dosumbetovich
Nukus Branch of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnologies, Deputy Director for Research and Innovation. Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor.
Hasanova Odinaxon Alijanovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Reclamation Facilities Uzbekistan
Soliev Baxtiyorjon Chinobudinovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Veterinarian Sciences, Associated Professor of Livestock and Veterinary Department of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Uzbekistan.
Ilyasova Gulnara Kenesbaevna
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Specialists in Physical Education and Sports
Abdujabbor Sattorovich Bekmurodov
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Raxmonov Rashit Raximovich,
Associate Professor of Biology Department at Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, PhD, Uzbekistan
Husniddin Abdurakhmonov,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, "Laboratory of agricultural technology of agricultural crops and plant protection" Samarkand scientific experimental station of the Research Institute of selection, seed production and agricultural technology of cotton cultivation